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全豪オープン優勝後インタビュー 20190126(大坂なおみ選手)


大坂なおみ選手、全豪オープン優勝おめでとうございます! 今回も、彼女のインタビューからお届けします。落ち着いて丁寧にお話しされているので、いつもよりは聞き取りやすいかと思います。いろいろな英語表現が含まれていますので、ぜひ一語一句まで丁寧に学んでみてください!

全豪オープン優勝後インタビュー 20190126


  1. まずは、そのまま動画を通してご覧ください。
  2. 次に、下記に記述した英語のセリフを見ながら、ご覧ください。
  3. 次に、日本語訳を見ながらご覧ください。
  4. 最後に、文字を何も見ないで、もう一度動画を見てみましょう。


Post-match interview(優勝後のインタビュー)

Q. What's it like to hold this trophy? Have you had a bit of time to process what's happened?

Naomi: No, I haven't really. Um, I've just sort of been doing a lot of media. I feel like if I get time by myself and maybe I'll be able to think about it.
(いいえ、まだ理解できていません 笑。メディアの対応に追われていただけなので。ひとりの時間ができた時に、たぶん理解できると思います。)

Q. Even if you go on and win ten Grand Slam titles in your career, how is this one always gonna be special?

Naomi: Yeah, I mean, for me I feel like it's special already. Everyone knows I really love Australia and it's the first Grand Slam that I did well. So, I'm very happy that I was able to win it.

Q. Tell me a bit about the match. I mean, it was a roller coaster ride. How emotional was it for you, for yourself?

Naomi: Yeah, I mean, I feel like everyone saw me crying a little bit and at the end of the second set, um, definitely it was very emotional. It's one of those matches where you have to be so mentally tough and you don't know what's gonna happen or when it's gonna end. So, it was very tiring.

Q. And what about Petra's performance, given what she's been through over the last year's

Naomi: Yeah, of course it was a very honor to play against her, especially for it to be as big as a Grand Slam final for the first time. And I thought that she played as well as everyone says she does. She's an incredible champion and I felt, I was glad that I was able to win, but at the same time I felt that I learned a lot from her.

Q. So, when you were on court waiting for the speech and the trophy, it was kind of hard to read what you were thinking at that moment. What went through your mind?

Naomi: Yeah, I mean, I was just shocked. I think everything happened so fast for me. I felt like I wasn't aware that the match ended, but uh, everyone was cheering, so...

Q. And you got the trophy from Li Na. What does that mean as an Asian player?

Naomi: Yeah, I mean, it meant a lot. I was, I didn't even expect that she was gonna be there, so at first I wanted to cry, but I already cried so much before, so I told myself not to, and then she gave me the trophy and then I just felt like, I don't know, like, my life is so different from what I, I don't know, like, what it was last year and I was really humbled.

Q. How do you think this is gonna change your life?

Naomi: Um, I mean, I'm not sure. I don't really know the answer to what the future holds.

Q. Tell me about your coach. So, you had a special bet with him. What's gonna happen to him?

Naomi: Yeah, I mean, we still don't know. Honestly I haven't really talked to him yet. So, hopefully he doesn't bail out on that bet.
 (ええ、まだ決まってないんです。正直、彼とはまだ話ができていないので。でも、逃げないでほしいなとは思ってますけどね 笑)

Q. Can you tell us what the bet is?

Naomi: He either had to cut his hair or dye his hair. But he doesn't wanna cut it, so I guess we're dyeing it.

Q. Any favorite colors?

Naomi: For him? Pink.

Q. Perfect. How are you gonna celebrate this trophy? I know you're very tired, but in the next days and weeks, how are you gonna, you know, take your time and, you know, enjoy that moment?

Naomi: I mean, I guess just surround myself with people that I appreciate the most and whenever we do that, that's always a good time.


Phrases of the Day(今日の表現)

  • What's it like to ...? ~するのはどんな感じですか?
  • get time by myself ひとりの時間を持つ
  • How is this special? これがどうして特別なんですか?
  • It's one of those matches where you ... ~するような試合です。
  • Given ... ~があって、考慮して
  • go through your mind 頭をよぎる
  • be aware that ... を知っている、気付いている
  • bail out on ... から逃げ出す

Vocabulary of the Day(今日の単語)

  • process 理解する(頭の中で情報を処理するイメージ)
  • a roller coaster ride ジェットコースターのような出来事
  • tiring 疲れるような
  • humbled 恐れ多い、恐縮した
  • a bet 賭け
  • dye 染める

いかがでしたか? 聞き取りにくい箇所は、納得のいくまで何度も何度も聞くことが重要です。こうした「生の英語」で時々感覚をならしておくことも大切です。がんばってください!