
大坂なおみ選手の勝利インタビュー (20190123 全豪オープン準決勝)




  1. まずは、そのまま動画を通してご覧ください。
  2. 次に2回目は、下記に記述した英語のセリフを見ながら、ご覧ください。
  3. 次に3回目は、日本語訳を見ながらご覧ください。
  4. 最後に、文字を何も見ないで、もう一度動画を見てみましょう。

Post-match interview(試合後のインタビュー)

She's with Sam Smith to discuss taking that very very big step through to this final.
(決勝への大きな大きな一歩を踏み出す彼女に、Sam Smithがインタビューです)

Q. Naomi, wonderful performance. Congratulations. You're starting to make a habit of making these Grand Slam finals. But how difficult was it for you when Karolina came back at you in that second set?

Naomi: Yeah, I mean, I kind of expected it a little, because I played her so many times, and honestly she beat me more than I beat her. So, I was expecting a really hard battle, and I just told myself to regroup in the third set and no matter what just try as hard as I can and I managed to win, so...

Q. Very tough serving out in that final set. Was there anything through your run at the US Open back in September that helped you stay calm?

Naomi: Um, yeah, I mean, I guess I just experienced playing matches like this. To be honest, I was so scared serving second serves. Like, "Oh my god please!" Somehow I made it, so I guess that's experience. I don't know though.

Q. Still only 21. You've got about 48 hours until you're back on this court for the final on Saturday. When we were out here last time, you said you've been doing a lot of walking in Melbourne. You're gonna do some more of that?

Naomi: I'm gonna go to sleep. And then maybe after that I might walk, but probably not, to be honest.

Q. Well, walking is working, Naomi.

Naomi: I'm not sure about that.

Q. You're under the roof today. Were you pleased that the roof was shut?

Naomi: Uh, to be honest, I like the heat. So, I was kind of sad about that.

Q. It's 40 degrees out there.

Naomi: No, they're like, um, you know they had the roof open and I was like "Oh it's my time to shine", you know.

Q. Well I think everyone here was quite pleased it was shut. Just wanna say something. Um, back in Japan I think it's a couple of hours behind here. It's sort of afternoon. A lot of Japanese are leaving their desks at work. Would you like to say a couple of words to them for back home in Japanese?

Naomi: (日本語であいさつ)

Q. Can you tell all of us that can't speak Japanese what you just said?

Naomi: It's a secret.

Q. You have to...You can't... You have to tell me now!

Naomi: Yeah, I mean, I just said thank you for cheering and I'll try my best in my next match, and yeah, that's basically it.

Q. Naomi, many congratulations! Well, see you Saturday! Ladies and gentlemen, Naomi Osaka!
(ナオミ、本当におめでとう! また土曜日に待ってますね。皆さん、ナオミ・オウサカに拍手を!)


Phrases of the Day(今日の表現)

  • make a habit of ... ~を習慣にする
  • come back at ... ~に逆襲する、再び襲い掛かってくる
  • no matter what 何があっても
  • manage to ... 何とかかろうじて~する
  • stay calm 落ち着いている、冷静さを保つ
  • to be honest 正直言うと
  • somehow どうにかして
  • make it 最後までやり抜く、成し遂げる、辿り着く
  • That's it. それだけです。それで全部です。

Vocabulary of the Day(今日の単語)

  • beat ~を負かす、破る、~に勝つ
  • regroup 仕切り直す、正気を取り戻す、落ち着く
  • cheer 応援する
  • basically 基本的に、だいたいは、大筋では

いかがでしたか? 聞き取りにくい箇所は、納得のいくまで何度も何度も聞くことが重要です。こうした「生の英語」で時々感覚をならしておくことも大切です。がんばってください!

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