TV Shows

アメリカ人気トーク番組に大坂なおみが出演した模様から(Steve TV Show)

アメリカのトークショー Steve Harvey に昨年出演した時の映像がありましたので、今回はその模様からお届けします。去年のUS Open優勝後のゲスト出演のようです。優勝時の率直な感想を話してくれています。司会者の人柄も私は個人的に好きなのですが、ふたりのやり取りを通して、今回も英語を学んでみてください。


  1. まずは、そのまま動画を通してご覧ください。
  2. 次に、下記に記述した英語のセリフを見ながら、ご覧ください。
  3. 次に、日本語訳を見ながらご覧ください。
  4. 最後に、文字を何も見ないで、もう一度動画を見てみましょう。

Steve Harvey Talk Show

Please welcome, Naomi Osaka!

Steve: Let me ask you. What was the first thought that ran through your head when you won?

Naomi: Well, I don't know. I still felt like the match was still going. So, I just thought that I didn't really think it was real.

Steve: Let me ask you this. Were you nervous? I mean, you were playing your lifelong idol, Serena Williams, and you even said that. Were you nervous to play her?

Naomi: Well, no, because I played her once before. I just think since it was the Grand Slam final that it felt like a different experience.

Steve: Do you know you made some amazing shots? You, no, Naomi, see you don't understand. For me, you know, I can't play tennis at all. I mean, at all! I watched the entire match because I love championships. You made some shots where even Serena gave you a round of applause for some of the shots you made.
 (物凄いショットを何度も決めてましたよね? いや、あなたはわかってない、私はテニスは全く出来ないですが、いろいろな選手権を観るのが大好きなので、今回の試合も最後まで全部観ましたよ。あのセリーナでさえ拍手喝采するようなショットを何度か決めてましたね。)

Naomi: I didn't know it at the time, but...

Steve: You didn't know it at the time? Yeah...

Naomi: Hearing you say it feels really good, so, thank you.

Steve: Yeah, I mean, and now, during the ceremony, the ceremony brought you to tears. What were you feeling at that moment?

Naomi: Like, really happy because Serena, like, she told me some stuff, and I hugged her. I've always wanted to hug her. I know that sounds weird.

Steve: That don't sound weird to me. Did she say something encouraging to you? Was it funny?

Naomi: No, it was just like, she was saying, like, she was proud of me. And for me, that's just something that I never thought I would hear because I grew up watching her. So, just for her to even acknowledge that I'm, like my existence, I don't know. That just felt like really surreal.

Steve: No, I thought it was such a classy ceremony, that Serena first acknowledged you the win. Because, you know, all that had went on during the match, that was a whole new story, we're not gonna get into that. But I'm talking about...after the match was over, when you all were about to were about to receive your trophy, she told the audience, "No, this is her first Grand Slam championship, and she played her heart out and she deserves everyone's love and respect". I thought that was so cool for her to do that, you know. She wasn't up there being bitter because, I mean, you're gonna break a lot of records. Yeah, you gonna break a lot of records. You gonna be major.
 (いや、あれは本当に一流の素晴らしい授賞式でしたよ。セリーナがあなたの勝利を認めて。そもそも、試合中にいろいろあった後ですからね。まあ、それは別の話なので、ここでは触れませんが、とにかく、試合後に、トロフィーを授与される際に、彼女が観客に向かっていいましたね。「いいえ、これは彼女の最初の優勝なの。しかも彼女は本当に全力でプレイしてくれた。だから、皆から愛され尊敬されるべきだと思うわ!」 素晴らしいシーンでしたね。あのステージで厳しい表情をするわけではなく・・・とにかく、あなたはこれから凄い記録をたくさん作りますよ。絶対にたくさん作るはずです!きっとメジャーになるよ!)

I heard that your father was your first coach. How did he feel about your win?

Naomi: Well, he didn't really say anything. He just said that he was really happy and he was proud. But honestly it felt better coming from Serena.

Steve: Dad, it was nice. Dad, it was good and dry. I think you're a really really nice person. You're very shy. Stay that way. I think you're just a fabulous player and I wanted to put you on my show and say that to you that what you did was outstanding, and you deserved to be really touted for that. That was a great performance, young lady. Congratulations!
 (お父さん!今の良かったですよ! でも本当にあなたは素晴らしい人だ。とてもシャイで。ずっとそのままでいてくださいね。本当に素晴らしいプレイヤーです。だから、私の番組に出演してもらって、直接こうして言いたかったですよ。素晴らしい偉業を成し遂げましたね。もっと大々的に宣伝されるべきだと思ってますよ。本当に素晴らしい試合でした。おめでとう!)


Phrases of the Day(今日の表現)

  • run through one's head 頭をよぎる
  • give ... a round of applause ~に拍手喝采をする
  • at the time その時は
  • bring ... to tears ~を涙に誘う、泣かせる
  • be about to ... まさに~しようとするところだ
  • play one's heart out 全力でプレイする
  • Stay that way. そのままの状態でいて。
  • be touted for ... ~のことで宣伝される、褒められる

Vocabulary of the Day(今日の単語)

  • lifelong 長年の
  • play ... ~と対戦する
  • entire すべての、全部の
  • championships 選手権
  • encouraging 勇気づけられるような、励ますような
  • acknowledge を認める
  • existence 存在
  • surreal 現実ではない、夢のような
  • classy 超一流の
  • deserve ~に値する
  • bitter 厳しい、冷酷な、苦い
  • fabulous 素晴らしい
  • outstanding 素晴らしい、突出している
  • tout ~を宣伝する、褒める

いかがでしたか? 聞き取りにくい箇所は、納得のいくまで何度も何度も聞くことが重要です。こうした「生の英語」で時々感覚をならしておくことも大切です。がんばってください!

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