Our next story is one that seems to __①__. A man working on a skyscraper plunges 47 stories and he's now __②__ a full recovery. __③__? Here's ABC's John Mackenzie.
No one, __④__ can explain it. How can someone plunge 47 stories and survive?
But Alcides Moreno not only survived, he's now talking and will soon walk again.
I don't know __⑤__. Unprecedented. Extraordinary. If __⑥__, this would be one.
I don't know what to tell you. I'm still, I'm still shocked.
Moreno, a 37-year-old window washer was working alongside his brother last month, when __⑦__, plummeting all the way down to this terrace. __⑧__. His brother had died.
Moreno came close. He suffered blood clots on the brain, bone fractures, collapsed lungs and extensive damage to many organs.
He keeps telling me that __⑨__. God knows when his time is, and that wasn't his time.
Moreno has undergone nine operations to __⑩__. After weeks of being unconscious, he first spoke to his wife on Christmas Day and is now expected to make a full recovery. John Mackenzie, ABC News, New York.
- defy medicine and logic
- well on his way to
- How can it be?
- not even his doctors
- what adjective you'd care to use
- you are a believer in miracles
- their tiny scaffold gave way
- The two were found only feet apart
- it just wasn't his time
- put his broken body back together
Phrases and Vocabulary
Phrases of the Day
defy logic 理屈に合わない、理にかなっていない
defy medicine 医学に逆らう
well on his way to a full recovery もう少しで完全に回復する
How can it be? どうしたらそんな事があり得るのか?
what adjective you'd care to use どんな形容詞を使えばいいか
give way 崩れる、崩壊する
all the way down to ..ずっと下まで
feet apart 数フィート離れて
came close 危なかった
suffer (痛みや怪我などに)苦しむ
God knows what/when/where ..誰もわからない
put..back together(壊れたものを)元通りにする、直す
Vocabulary of the Day
defy (規則や権力に)逆らう
medicine 医学
logic 論理
skyscraper 高層ビル high-rise buildingsとも言う
plunge (人が)真っ逆さまに落ちる、飛び込む
47 stories 47階分
recovery 回復
explain 説明する
survive 死なないで生き残る、生還する
adjective 形容詞
unprecedented 前例のない、前代未聞の
extraordinary 類いまれな、異常の
miracle 奇跡
alongside ~の脇で
scaffold (建築現場の)足場、つり場
plummet (物が)真っ逆さまに落ちる、(価値などが)急に下落する
blood clots 血栓
bone fractures 骨折
collapsed lungs 虚脱した(潰れた)肺
extensive 多大な、広範囲の
organs 臓器
operations 手術
unconscious 意識不明の
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