
「3密」を表すソーシャルディスタンスはingで!(Social distancing)







  1. 最初はそのまま映像を通して観る。
  2. 次に、下の英語スクリプトを見ながら内容を把握する。わからない時だけ日本語訳を見る。
  3. 最後に、もう一度映像を観て、聞き取り練習。


Jim, Good morning. Baby steps being taken here in Delaware today. The governor says the goal is to provide ecomonic relief to people and businesses who are suffering finacially during the coronavirus pandemic. But the governor is also cautioning that this does not mean things are going back to normal.

Delaware is getting back to business today, but Governor John Carney warns this is only a limited reopening, and health and safety guidelines must be followed.

"Things are gonna be different. I think that's the measures, uh, the message as well, as we, in a rolling way, kind of reopen business here in our state. We need to do so making sure people still stay six feet apart. The virus will still be present,"

Starting at 8 a.m., small business retailers will be allowed to do business using curbside pick-up, just as long as social distancing can be maintained.

Those retailers include: department stores, clothing and shoe stores, sporting goods, hobby and book stores, tobacco and vape shops, gift shops and other general goods, as well. Jewelry stores may do business by appointment only.

“Baby steps, if you will, to certain retail establishments to allow them to operate on a limited basis,”

Now, salons may only provide hair care services and only to workers of essential businesses.

There can be no more than two appointments at a time and owners need to leave 15 minutes in between appointments to sanitize.

Salon employees and customers must wear face masks. Employees must wear gloves, too.

And salon employees must take their temperature daily. Above 99.5 means they are ineligible to work.





ただし、ここまで細かく説明しなくとも、ネイティブには social distancing と言うだけで十分です。

「ソーシャルディスタンス」というカタカナが日本中にあっという間に広まりましたが、実は英語圏では"social distance"という名詞形は会話では使いません。

今回のようなコロナウイルス対策には、social distance → social distancing のing形で使います。

"social distance"は「距離」だけを指してしまいますが、このdistanceを動詞で使って、"social distancing"「距離を取ること」と言えば「行為」を指すからです。例えば、ウォーク→ウォーキング、ラン→ランニング の変化と同じです。


以下のページでも、"social distancing"に関してイギリス政府がガイダンスを発表しているので、ご覧になってみてください。
そのページ内で何度も"social distancing"が使われています。
Staying alert and safe (social distancing)

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