今回は、Daniel Craigが最近ゲスト出演したトーク番組 "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" からお届けします。
- トークショーから生の英語を学ぼう!(Daniel Craig)1/2
- あとがき
トークショーから生の英語を学ぼう!(Daniel Craig)1/2
007 James Bond映画で主演を務めてきたDaniel Craigが、次回作「No Time To Die」で遂に最後の主演となるようです。007シリーズでは僕の一番大好きなBondだったので、とても残念。
今回は、そのDanielがゲスト出演した最近のトーク番組(The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 2019.11.22放送分)から英語を学んでいきましょう。
- 最初はそのまま映像を通して観る。
- 次に、下の英語スクリプトを見ながら内容を把握する。わからない時だけ日本語訳を見る。
- 最後に、もう一度映像を観て、聞き取り練習。
Steve: Hey everybody, welcome back to the show! Folks, you might know my next guest as James Bond. His new movie is "Knives Out". Please welcome back to "The Late Show". Daniel Craig!
さあ、皆さん、お待たせしました!ジェームズ・ボンドとして皆さんご存じのこの方です。最新作「Knives Out」も公開されました。お呼びしましょう!ダニエル・クレイグです!
Steve: Welcome back.
Daniel: Oh, it's good to be back.
Steve: Welcome back. Thanks for making some time for us. You're an extremely busy man.
Daniel: I am.
Steve: You got a lot on the fire. The new Bond "No Time to Die". and now the new movie "Knives Out".
(現在多くの作品が進行中です。ボンド最新作「No Time To Die」、そして「Knives Out」。)
Daniel: Yep.
Steve: Obviously my first question is "How's your wife Rachel?".
Daniel: Yes. She's well. She's, she sends her love.
Steve: She sends her love?
Daniel: Yes, she does.
Steve: She does?
Daniel: Yeah, yeah.
Steve: That's good to know.
Daniel: I have a bone to pick with you, though.
Steve: What is the bone picking?
Daniel: It's just ...I've been here, how many times have I been here, twice? Three times?
Steve: Three times. Fourth maybe.
Daniel: Maybe. This is the fourth, maybe.
Steve: Yeah.
Daniel: I've always been in this rather small dressing room.
Steve: Yes?
Daniel: And I got taken upstairs and I was in this dressing room with sofas, with cashmere throws, and, yeah, it's the one your wife usually has. And I was like, "She gets that and I just get the little kinda dressing room back here normally. So I just...
Steve: I like Rachel Weisz more than I like you.
Daniel: Fair enough.
Steve: I think I've made that clear. I think I've made that clear every time you've been here.
Daniel: Not as clear, well, maybe but you know, now it's been confirmed. Fine.
Steve: Good. Now, uh, "No Time To Die". Here we go. The poster's out. There you go. Comes out in April. Now, as if another Daniel Craig Bond movie isn't cool enough. I understand that you personally got the great Phoebe Waller-Bridge involved in this project.
(わかったよ、ところで、最新作No Time To Dieのポスターが出たね、ほら。4月公開だね。今までも十分にカッコいいボンド映画なのに、さらに今回もすごいですね。そういえば、フィービー・ウォーラーブリッジもこの作品に参加するよう個人的にお願いしたそうだね。)
Daniel: Yeah.
Steve: How did that come about?
Daniel: Um..
Steve: She's amazing.
Daniel: I know, because she's amazing. I mean, simple as that. She, uh, it was "Killing Eve". Did you watch it?
(そうなんだよ。素晴らしい、の一言に尽きるよ。Killing Eveがきっかけだったんだ。それは観たかい?)
Steve: Yeah.
Daniel: So I knew she was great from "Fleabag", but I watched "Killing Eve" and I saw what she did with that, and I just thought it was spectacular, and ..
(Fleabagを観た時から素晴らしい女優さんだなって思ってて、それでKilling Eveを観たら、彼女の演技がまた素晴らしくて)
Steve: Did you know her?
Daniel: A little bit, like "Hi", but nothing kinda...
Steve: I've done that.
Daniel: I know.
Steve: So you just called her and say "Hi. It's Daniel Craig. Will you write the Bond movie?"
Daniel: Yeah, kind of. Yeah, yeah.
Steve: Wow. That's cool.
Daniel: Well, that kind of thing you...I mean, she could only say no. She didn't say no. She said yes. So that's great.
Steve: That sounds like the title of a Bond movie.
Steve&Daniel "She can only say no"
Steve: The movie has our friend Rami Malek in it. He's hot off...
Daniel: How lucky we are to have him.
Steve: What did you say?
Daniel: How lucky we are to have him.
Steve: He's a wonderful guy. And hot off the Oscar. He was here last time. He was talking about it. We have a clip right here, Jim.
Steve: Sure. Why not?
Rami: Yeah, why not. We had this scene. That was a complicated scene. We were rehearsing it with our terrific director Cary Fukunaga. And we were sitting at a table over hours just batting about ideas back and forth, and we finally cracked this really challenging scene. And you know, he grabbed me, picked me up, and I can't tell who initiated the next moment, if it was him or I, but a kiss transpired between the two of us. And I'm gonna say that Daniel initiated it. And I was very taken aback.
Steve: So, was it welcome?
Rami: Yes, very much so.
Steve: I just wanted to make sure. Just trying to make sure. Yeah.
Rami: And I took a moment, caught my breath, and I looked out and said "So, does this make me a Bond girl?"
Steve: It's a valid question. Daniel Craig. First of all, it sounds like a lovely moment, but it's a valid question.
Daniel: I kiss all my leading men. I think it just breaks the ice.
Steve: Good. Good. Now, um, when you're done Bond... Are you done with Bond?
Daniel: Yes.
Steve: You're done with Bond?
Daniel: It's done.
Steve: Wow. Is that why you've gained all the weight?
Daniel: Yup.
Steve: When you finally do let yourself go, like really, if you were to let yourself go, like Brando style, on Tahiti playing Bongos, what would be your poison? What would you do to pack on the pounds?
Daniel: Um, I think, Guinness.
Steve: Just Guinness?
Daniel: Just Guinness! Maybe some solids occasionally, but Guinness, I think, probably would be my way...
Steve: Just to keep the Guinness in your system long enough?
Daniel: Yeah, but there was this expression "Why let solids get in the way of a good drink when it's uh...
Steve: We have to take a break. Please don't leave because when we come back, we'll have more with Daniel Craig. Everybody stick around!