



  • 念のために言っておくけど・・・
  • 一応伝えておくけど・・・
  • 忘れないうちに言っておくけど・・・





目 次
  1. 知っておきたいネイティブの前置きフレーズ13選【配慮・忖度編】
  2. 静観するときのフレーズ5選
  3. 慰めるときのフレーズ5選




Just so you know


Just so you know, I checked my inbox but there were no messages from her.

Just a heads-up


Hey, just a heads up, I’m just getting back from an aptitude test that took longer than advertised, so I'll be home around 12:30.

For your information

「参考までに言うと」 ※"FYI"と言うときもある

For your information, this is the book she's been working on with me.

If it makes you feel any better



If it makes you feel any better, it was all his fault. He didn't know any better!

For what it's worth


自分の情報が相手にとってどれだけ役に立つかわからないが、それでも言っておくと、の意味。For whatever it's worth でもOK。

For what it's worth, I think you should confront your boss if you're unhappy with how he's treating you.

Like it or not


※先頭の Whether you が省略されている

Like it or not, she is your teacher.

Believe it or not


※先頭の Whether you が省略されている

Believe it or not, he's in his 70's.

Worst case


※"In the worst case scenario"でもOK

Worst case, you'd get shot in the back if you said that word in front of them.

One more thing.


One more thing, I want you to bring some towels with you tomorrow just in case.

On the bright side


※Look at the bright side でもOK

On the bright side, you totaled your dad's car but it's covered by insurance.

Before I forget


Before I forget, I'm coming home really late tonight.

No offense, but


No offense, but he doesn't sound like a good man.

This may sound a little weird, but


This may sound a bit stupid, but do they really eat stuff like that in Japan?


  • We'll see what happens. 様子を見ようか。
  • Let's see what happens. 同上
  • Let's see how it goes. 同上
  • Let's see how things will turn out. 同上
  • We're gonna have to wait and see how things develop. 同上


  • These things happen. こういうこともあるよ。
  • Things happen. 人生いろいろあるよ。
  • Stuff happens. 人生いろいろあるよ。
  • Shit happens. 人生嫌なこともあるよ。
  • It happens to the best of us. 誰にでもよく起こることだよ。

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