Sports PR

大坂なおみ選手の記者会見 (20190123 準々決勝後)


全豪オープンテニスでの大坂なおみ選手の活躍、素晴らしいですね。いよいよ明日土曜日に決勝(final)です。ぜひ US Open に続き全豪も制覇して欲しいと思います!今回は、おとといの23日に準決勝進出を決めた後の記者会見の内容を、ほぼすべて英文に書き起こしましたので、ぜひ生の英語でリスニング等の練習にお役立てください。

動画は10分程度の内容です。お時間のない方は、下にある Transcript(英文)を見ながら、映像をご覧ください。ただし、最初はなるべく日本語訳を見ないで、英文だけ見ながら聞くことをおすすめします。(お時間のある方は、例によって、最初は英文を見ずにそのままご覧いただくことをお勧めします。)

Transcript of the Press Conference(記者会見の質疑応答)

Q. Just curious, when you were talking to that chair ump, when Elina was getting medical treatment, what were you guys talking about?

Naomi: Um, no, I just asked him if I could go to the bathroom without it counting as a bathroom break.

Q. How does it feel to be in the semis? How did you feel about the way you played today?
 (準決勝進出が決まって、今のお気持ちは? 今日の自身のプレイはいかがでしたか?)

Naomi: Um, yeah, I mean, it feels really good. This is something that I've been working on a lot, which is, like, trying to get deeper in tournaments more consistently. And I think I've been able to do that.

Yeah, I mean, for me right now I just try to keep looking forward. So, I'm not really satisfied, like, I am happy that I'm here, but at the same time, I want to keep going. There's more matches to win, so ...

Q. In that first set, it seemed like on the forehand side everything was working pretty well. The backhand was letting you down at times. But in the end those two key points, the break point and everything, it came through. Can you talk through just your frustration of just kinda working through that in that set?

Naomi: Yeah, I mean, playing against Elina is very tough because she sort of takes your peace and sometimes if I hit hard she just takes that and hits it right back at me, and especially on the backhand side it's very difficult because she just stays cross-court.

And then sometimes I feel like I have to go down the line early, and I think that's what I was doing wrong in the first set, so, it was, like, a little bit of a tactic change.

Q. Has there been a change in your mindset since you won the US Open in that now, like, that's, you wouldn't be satisfied with less than winning another title?
 (全米オープンで勝利してから気持ちの中で何か変わりましたか? もう一度タイトルを勝ち取る以外はもう満足できない感じでしょうか?)

Naomi: Not necessarily so, because I already know, like, that to be here is something that a lot of people want, and I know that a few months ago I would have given anything to be in the semifinals of a slam.

But it's like this weird feeling of, like, you want to do the next big thing. And especially now that I won a Grand Slam, I feel like I want to win another one, and I'm so close and I just want to keep going.

Q. I don't know how aware you are of your own stats, but you have won a lot of matches in a row after winning the first set. Do you feel more confidence once you've got... Are you aware of that when you're on the court? Once you have taken a set ahead, does it play in your mind, or did you not even know that you had that stat?

Naomi: No, I didn't know. But for me when I won the first set, it's sort of smooth after because I learn a lot in the first set anyways. I can just take everything that I learned and I try to finish quicker in the second set, so...

Q. Today after you finished, you said you were happy about not getting angry, and that that's what you wanted to do. But your anger, as much as we have seen it, like, seems pretty muted compared to the behaviour of other folks. Sascha actually told me, you know, he doesn't see a problem if you, you know, if you get angry and you kind of express that emotion and get it out and then just move on. So, like, why is that something that's kind of in your head that you're thinking about as far as, like, maybe not wanting to show that?

Naomi: Um, yeah, I mean, because for me I feel like most people, like right now, most people know me for US Open, right? And during US Open I didn't show any emotions most of the time.

But then after that I did show a lot, well, in my opinion it was a lot of emotions. Like, I got upset and then I threw my racket or stuff like that. For me I don't really want to do that. Like, I feel like I play better when I'm calm. And when I'm not calm, it just makes my life harder.

So, I just try to, like, there's an inner peace, like, I can tap into sometimes during my matches and it's kind of hard to get to, but once I'm there, it's really, like, easy, not easy, but nothing can really bother me. So, that's just something that I'm trying to learn how to do consistently.

Q. How do you do that? I wish I could do that...

Naomi: I don't know. It's like random. Sometimes it's here, and sometimes it's not.

Q. How long did it take you after the US Open to start wanting to do that next big thing?

Naomi: Um, well, I mean, I played Tokyo right after, and I really wanted to win that. And then I got to the final but I think I put too much pressure on myself. So, honestly this is the next Grand Slam after US Open. And I'm not sure if it's counting as the next big thing, but I'm still here, so hopefully my mentality is focused on this.
 (その後すぐに東京でプレイしましたが、とにかく勝ちたかった。決勝に進出しましたが、自分でプレッシャーを感じ過ぎたのかな。なので、正直、この大会がUS Open後のグランドスラムですね。これが「次なる大きな目標」になるかどうかわからないけど、でもまだこうしてここに残ってるし、願わくばメンタルも集中できるといいですけどね。)

Q. Obviously, Serena is a setback at the moment, but if she was to come through, a lot happened in that last match-up between you guys. Do you think that would be a difficult match for you to approach, given what happened there? And do you think she'd be really, really desperate to get one over on you, having lost to you twice last year?
 (現時点でセリーナは難関になるかと思いますが、もし勝ち上がってきたとしたら、いろいろお二人の間であったと思うのですが、そういう背景もあるので、難しい試合になると思いますか? 彼女からすれば去年すでに2度もあなたに負けているので、必死で勝ちにくるだろうと思いますか?)

Naomi: Um, well, I mean, I can't speak for her, but for me, it's always a really big privilege and an honor to play her. For me, I've been watching her since I've grown up. I honestly feel very lucky I've gotten to play her twice already. So, if I do play her, I'm just gonna be looking forward to it.

Q. You talked about how you learn from the first set you play and go forward into the second set. Can you tell us about how you did that process for this match today?

Naomi: Yeah, I mean, everyone knows my backhand was a little bit inconsistent in the first set. And I think I was making too many unforced errors on the serve. Like, her serve. Like, service return. Um..

In the second set I just tried to play more and see if she's gonna hit winners or not.
 (第2セットでは、いろいろプレイしながら、彼女が winner を打ってくるかどうか見極めていました。)

Q. I ask you your thoughts on Karolina, should you play her in the semifinal.

Naomi: Yeah, I've played her a couple times already. She's really tough to play. I can't... Like, I can barely read her serve, so it's very difficult for me, and um...

Like, I see now that she doesn't hit too many unforced errors, which is a little bit dangerous. But definitely if I play her, too, I'm looking forward to it, because she also...I've never really seen her get angry, and I think that would be a really good match to watch.

Q. You mentioned the other day that you spend a lot of time during tournaments in your down time watching YouTube. Have you had a chance to look at Stefanos' YouTube channel yet?

Naomi: I did, like, a couple months ago, I think. But I haven't recently.

Q. What did you think of it?

Naomi: No, like, when I watched it, it seemed like he put a lot of effort into it, so I thought that that was really cool, because that's, like, something to channel all your energy into, aside from playing tennis.

But I haven't looked at it recently. So, I don't know. What is everyone else seeing?

Q. People are loving it.

Naomi: Okay, I have to look at it later.


Phrases of the Day(今日の表現)

  • count as ... ~としてカウントする、~とみなす
  • work on ... ~に取り組む、頑張る
  • let ...down ~をがっかりさせる
  • come through うまくいく、成功する
  • go down the line ライン上を狙う
  • Not necessarily ... 必ずしも~ではない
  • I would give anything to ... ~するためならどんなことでもする
  • be aware of ... ~を把握している、自覚している、知っている
  • compared to ... ~に比べて
  • I don't see a problem 問題は見当たらない
  • move on 先に進む、気持ちを切り替えて次に進む
  • most of the time ほとんどの時間、大抵の場合に
  • makes ... harder ~をより大変にする
  • tap into ... ~に入り込む、侵入する
  • Given ... ~を考えても、考慮しても、だとして(接続詞)
  • get one over on you ~を打ち負かす、やっつける
  • speak for ... ~の代わりに話す、代弁する
  • I can barely ... ほとんど~できない
  • put a lot of effort into ... ~に特に力を入れる
  • channel all your energy into ... すべてのエネルギーを~に注ぎ込む
  • aside from ... ~の他に

Vocabulary of the Day(今日の単語)

  • medical treatment 治療
  • chair ump 主審、chair umpire の略。
  • consistent 一定した、安定した、一貫した
  • inconsistent 一貫性のない、不安定な
  • tough (状況が)つらい、厳しい
  • mindset 考え方、物の見方
  • weird feeling 変な感覚
  • the next big thing 次の大きな目標
  • especially 特に
  • stats (結果の)様々なデータ
  • anger 怒り
  • muted 抑えられた、音がしない
  • calm 落ち着いている、冷静な
  • bother ~を煩わせる、悩ませる
  • random 不規則の、適当な、無作為に発生する
  • hopefully 願わくば、できれば
  • setback 妨げ、ネック、問題
  • desperate 必死な
  • privilege 名誉なこと
  • honor 名誉、光栄なこと
  • downtime オフの時間

いかがでしたか? 聞き取りにくい箇所は、納得のいくまで何度も何度も聞くことが重要です。こうした「生の英語」で時々感覚をならしておくことも大切です。がんばってください!