「英語に訳すときにどうしても直訳っぽくなってしまうなあ。『最近眠れないんだ』は I can't sleep じゃダメなの?ネイティブにうまく伝わるかなあ。」
のように日本語では表現しますが、英語でどのように言えばよいでしょうか? I can't _ でも通じることは通じますが、もっとピッタリな表現がこちらです。
I have trouble _ing.
I have a hard time _ing.
「a hard time」と「trouble」には厳密に違いはありません。「a hard time」は冠詞aがありますが、troubleに間違ってaを付けないように注意しましょう。
I'm having trouble _ing
I'm having a hard time _ing
また、後ろのing形の代わりに、「with + 名詞」とすれば、「~でトラブっている、苦戦している、手を焼いている」などの意味になりますので、幅広い応用ができます。では、たくさんの例文で練習してみましょう。
have trouble _ing
I'm having trouble with my computer.
He is having trouble getting his message across.
We had no trouble finding her house.
We've been having some trouble with the air-conditioning.
She still has trouble with the spelling of some words.
I have trouble with my legs because of arthritis.
He suddenly has trouble with his breathing.
I'm having trouble connecting to the internet.
I'm having trouble swallowing food.
I'm having trouble swallowing my saliva.
「I have trouble」と「I'm in trouble」を混同する人を多く見かけます。「be in trouble」の意味は、例えば、人間関係や金銭トラブルなどで「大変な状況、厄介な状況、やばい状況に陥っている」という、もっと重たい意味になりますので、気を付けましょう。ちなみに、trouble は常に「不可算名詞」です。
have a hard time _ing
I'm having a hard time reading words. I'm getting older.
Did you have a hard time finding this place?
I'm still having a hard time believing this is real.
Still having a hard time believing this is real?
I'm still having a hard time believing I'm pregnant.
I'm having a hard time sleeping.
I'm having a hard time bonding with my puppy.
I have a hard time walking.
I have a hard time making friends.
He always has a hard time making conversation.
I have a hard time getting rid of things.
I have a hard time waking up to my alarm.
I have a hard time being happy for other people.
I have a hard time staying awake while driving.
I have a hard time doing push-ups.
(なかなか腕立て伏せができないんです)※sit-ups は「腹筋」
I have a hard time letting go of the past.
(なかなか過去が忘れられないんです)※the past → my ex とすると「元カレ(元カノ)」
I have a hard time concentrating on one thing.