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"Black Lives Matter!"(黒人の命だって大事だ)


それでもなお、アフリカ系アメリカ人(African American: 黒人)が、警察官によって理不尽に殺され続けており、そうした恐怖の中で日々彼らは生きていかねばならないのが現状です。


Black Parents Explain How to Deal with the Police




I have one question. Why do white people get more rights than black people?

- Antjuan, what have you told your daughter about police?

We actually have a line that we do at our house. We practice this thing. It's just one of those things I almost feel like it's necessary as an African-American parent. And so, what is it?

"I'm Arriell Skye Williams. I'm 8 years old. I'm unarnmed and I have nothing that will hurt you."

And what's the next place you put your hands when you're driving? ...or on the steering wheel with your hands out.
運転中の時は、次にどこに両手を置くんだっけ? そう、それとハンドルにね。両手を広げて。

It's one of those things that I don't feel like I should have to teach my kids that, but it is an actual reality.

I'm doing the right things at work. I'm not out here selling drugs. I'm not out here breaking the law. I do the things. I follow the right things. But I could be Philando Castile. I could easily be him. I could easily be the guy who does not come home. Or I can be picking up my kids from school and be the guy who gets shot in the car with her in the backseat. That could easily be my story. Are you afraid of police?

Sometimes. Are you afraid of police?

I'm not afraid of all police. I'm afraid that I may be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Do you know what racial profiling is?


Do you remember the time when I was at Walmart and the guy stopped me because he thought I was stealing when I had the diapers?

I'm walking out having 'em on my shoulder, having my son in my other hand and the guy stops me and asked me for my receipt. And I was like okay I'm not thinking anything of it and then this lady just walks by with a 55-inch Samsung Smart TV and just walks straight out. And I'm like, but you're asking me, you're stopping me for a $17 pack of diapers?

He's like sir it's our protocol. I was like well the protocol should definitely go for a $1700 TV.

Things like that. That's racial profiling. He stopped me because I was black and he thought I was stealing. If I wasn't black, I don't think he would have stopped me.

- How does that make you feel to hear that?

Makes me feel unfair. Makes me feel really frustrated how white people get more privileges than black people and how they get more opportunities than black people.

I've been trying to figure that out for years. Man, you're making me tear up, girl. I wish I had the answer. All I can do is do my best to protect you and protect our family.

- Police, they use the terms "To Protect and Serve". What does that mean to you?

That's a joke to me. I called the police for some drug activity and the first thing they do to me is they ask me for my ID and they put me on the car and all this stuff. I called you. I'm calling you because I'm trying to do my part to clean up the neighborhood. How are you protecting and serving when you hide behind the badge, you hide behind the gun? You're not protecting and serving. You have an ego problem.

Few officers who I see all the time and they don't park their cars in our neighborhoods. They're not living in the areas that they're serving and what happens is they create this preconceived notion in their minds that if all you're doing is looking for bad, then that's all you're gonna see is bad. If you can't talk to me with respect and I'm showing you respect, they say they get the training, but what is the training actually? Pull your gun first? Shoot first, ask questions later?

I drive a minivan. I drive a family dad van that has stickers on the back of it. That's what I drive. But even still, driving while black is real. I am 5'6, 185 pounds and I got pulled over because I fit the description of a guy who was 6'3", 250 lbs. It's impossible. I'm at my heaviest weight that I'm at now. I'm 185 lbs. There's no way that I could be this guy. And I got tased for that.

- Arriell, are you okay? You look upset.

What's wrong, baby?

(The girl cries)

We're strong. We'll make it through everything, right? Okay? We got this. Every day I get to see you. I get to do this, right? Alright. Come on. Just calm down. Let's finish this, alright? You good? You're making me cry.

- Is it upsetting to hear your dad tell you those stories?

(The girl nods)

Well, I can't have my kids live in fear. We're humans. We're Christians. And one of the scriptures we use is God hasn't given us a spirit of fear. I can't let you live a life to where you're scared. Now you have to be aware but you cannot just wanna shut down and stay in the house.

- How do you feel about the people who throw back the "All Lives Matter"?

If your house is on fire burning up and I have a water hose, do you want me to take care of your house or am I gonna say all houses matter and pour water on the house that's not on fire? That's how I look at it. You're not on fire. So, since you're not on fire, it's not real to you. All lives are not being targeted. It's a difference.
例えば、あなたの家がいま火事で燃えているとしましょう。そして僕が消火栓ホースを持っているとします。あなたの家を何とかして欲しいですよね?でもそこで僕が「あなたの家ももちろん大事だけど、でも他の家だって同じように大事な家ですから、あなたの家だけ助けるわけにはいかないですよ」と言って、火事でもない他の家に水をかける・・・All Lives Matterはそういう意味に聞こえます。あなたの家は火事になってないんです。だから、現実的に思えないんですよ。今すべての家が火事になっているわけじゃないんです。そこが大きな違いです。

I'm more afraid for my sons. I have two sons. That's what I'm more afraid for. Black men have always been looked at as thugs, as ruffians, as things like that. For instance, when you heard about Alton Sterling. What was the description you heard? A big black man. That's what you heard. The reality was he was another black man. He was a man. Does he have to be a big black man? That makes him sound like he's a gorilla. We're not animals.

But if you were to get pulled over, or you were, they were looking for you, it would be an unknown male.

I'd say make races more fair.

- And how do we go about doing that?

By not just targeting black people because they're just black and do it for a reason not because they're scared.

Like I said at the beginning, I don't know what to do to change. I don't know, I don't know what to do. I could just educate my kids and educate my family. I feel like it all starts with people actually getting involved in their communities. Our heads are in the wrong places. We're in the wrong spaces. Take your life serious. Invest in the things that are worth investing in. Quit investing in shoes and dumb stuff. Invest in you.


今回のBlack Lives Matterの一連の動きや、上の動画を見て、この2つの映画を思い出しました。どちらも人種差別を扱った映画で、こうした問題を考える良い機会になるはずです。こういうことが今も日々アメリカで起きているんだということを気付かされる作品です。特に「Just Mercy」は観ることを強くお勧めします。