

「さっきネイティブの友人とスケジュールのことで会話したとき、Tomorrow is free. って言ったのは合ってたのかなあ。なんか違う気もするなあ。こういう時は英語でどう言えばいいの?」





I have _ open.

I have tomorrow and the 5th open.

I have Friday open.
I have the 20th open.
I have the entire afternoon open that day.
I have some time open next week.


A: I'm thinking of throwing a kara-age party at my house sometime next week. You wanna come over?
B: I'd love to! When?
A: Sometime next week. When is good for you?
B: I have tomorrow and the 5th open. Do you have a preference?
A: Let's do it tomorrow then!
B: Sounds like a plan!




「I have 名詞 状態」の他の重要例文


He has a lot of money saved up.
I have a lot of work piled up.
I have 2 days off this week.
Do you have anything planned for the weekend?
What do you have planned for next week?
I have nothing planned right now.
I have everything ready.
I have my hands full right now.
Can I have my pen back?
You got me confused with someone else.
I had my alarm set for 6 a.m.
I had my teeth straightened out.
I had my ears pierced.
He had his whole life ahead of him.
Do you have everything with you?
He had his hands tied behind his back.

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