
ハリウッドスターのインタビューから英語を学ぼう Tom Cruise/Henry Cavill



昨年大ヒットの映画 Mission Impossible - Fallout の撮影秘話を、Tom CruiseとHenry Cavillが語ってくれています。







You know, one of my favorite scenes, while audience is gonna walk out and they're gonna talk about skydiving, the car chase in Paris, the helicopter, my personal favorite is __①__. I think it's just, you know what, not only is it great because it's, Ethan Hunt's very vulnerable in that scene, it's also __②__.

When you look at that scene, __③__ is how hard the actors are working in it.

It was wild and it took a very long time to shoot. __④__. Because we kept going back and readjusting stuff, then going back again and readjusting more stuff.

That big set piece where I throw Liang through the ...__⑤__, but, you had to get it right, because that's a huge reset. __⑥__, I had to then pause halfway through and hold him where he was. So it doesn't end up being 40-minute to 2-hour reset because I messed it up. So a lot of pressure to get it right, but amazing choreography by Wolfies Stegemann and Eastwood Action Stunts team.

Kicking ass and getting your ass kicked is hard, both ways. All of us, none of us walked away from that scene going. __⑦__. Trust me. __⑧__, by the way. Not one of us would ever admit it.


  1. the bathroom brawl
  2. a badass brawl
  3. what makes that scene work
  4. A very long time
  5. I don't wanna spoil anything
  6. If I got it one step wrong
  7. We were all limping
  8. None of us would admit it



Phrases and Vocabulary


Phrases of the Day

What makes that scene work is how hard the actors are working in it.
get it right うまくやる
pause halfway through 途中で一時停止する
kick ass ~をやっつける
mess it up 失敗する

Vocabulary of the Day

audience 観客
brawl けんか、乱闘
vulnerable 弱い、敵に負けている、劣勢な
badass 超カッコいい、凄い
shoot 撮影する
set piece 撮影のセット
spoil ネタバレする
reset やり直し、撮り直し
limp 足を引きずって歩く
choreography 振り付け、動きの指導
admit 認める


どうでしたか? Tom Cruiseと監督はアメリカ出身ですが、Henry CavillはBritain出身なので、英語がかなり違いましたね。お気付きでしたか?




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