Lillian Pagano

Lillianは、現在New Jersey州在住のアメリカ人。33年間小学校の先生をされた後、一昨年に退職して、その後はオンライン等で英語を教えてきたベテランの女性。29歳の娘さんと23歳の三つ子の計4人のお母さんです。一番上の娘さんは母と同じく学校の先生をしています。

英語のレッスンでは、Skypeで生徒さんと会話している時はその温和な性格がにじみ出るせいか、初心者の方にもすぐに好かれます。ぜひNative Talkレッスンで会ってみてください。

Lillian Pagano

Hello! My name is Lillian Pagano. I am a recently retired classroom teacher and taught for 33 years in the public school system in New Jersey. I am the mother of 23 year old triplets and a 29 year old. My oldest daughter has followed in my footsteps and now teaches third grade here in New Jersey. Now that I am retired, I enjoy walking and hiking with friends, traveling with my retired book club friends, and spending time with family. Since retiring, I have tutored students in China and will be substitute teaching after the new year. I look forward to meeting my students from Japan and conversing in English. I also look forward to learning a few words in Japanese.

State Paramus, NJ, U.S.A.