Hello! My name is Lillian Pagano. I am a recently retired classroom teacher and taught for 33 years in the public school system in New Jersey. I am the mother of 23 year old triplets and a 29 year old. My oldest daughter has followed in my footsteps and now teaches third grade here in New Jersey. Now that I am retired, I enjoy walking and hiking with friends, traveling with my retired book club friends, and spending time with family. Since retiring, I have tutored students in China and will be substitute teaching after the new year. I look forward to meeting my students from Japan and conversing in English. I also look forward to learning a few words in Japanese.
中学1年の4月に英語学習開始→英語の魅力にハマり、英語を将来話せるようになりたい一心で、主にラジオ講座と映画でひたすら独学→20才で初めてネイティブの友人ができる→自分の実力のなさを思い知る→英語を練習しまくる→気付くと25歳から英語に関わる仕事ばかり→脱サラして独立起業→いつの間にかSkypeレッスンを13年。普段は東京の自宅でほぼ毎日レッスン or ブログ or 英語勉強。当ブログの英語音声はすべて自身の声で収録。