Grammar Quiz



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今回は前置詞です。英語の前置詞は with, for, by, at, on, in, to, ….と挙げればキリがないほどありますが、今回は中級レベルで出題します。ぜひ全問正解を目指してトライしてみてください。


1 / 10

I'm at the same place _ usual.

2 / 10

I learned English _ listening to the radio.

3 / 10

Which color are there more _?

4 / 10

You're amazing _ making people laugh.

5 / 10

I was at home _ the whole time.

6 / 10

Some things are fun _ the first time you do them, and then not so much the next.

7 / 10

He hung up _ me.

8 / 10

She's a friend _ college.

9 / 10

I went _ a trip to Kanazawa.

10 / 10

What are you a doctor _?

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The average score is 70%
